Hiya everybody!, One more piece of nice (unexpected) news - one of my illustrations made it through to the Seventh Croatian Biennale of Illustration :)) These are the both entries, but the blue one got through.

I saw it in the catalogue, though I have no idea if it's actually in the exhibition :Đ I wouldn't mind if someone went and checked! xD The exhibition is currently in Galerija Klovićevi dvori and it will be there untill 22nd of July.

Here is the link with the catalogue and the article: https://www.tportal.hr/kultura/clanak/hrvatski-biennale-ilustracije-ove-godine-na-temu-grada-foto-20180612

There's a lot of really cool illustrations in there! I'm really glad and very honored to be part of such a well made series of works. Check out the catalogue, it's well worth the time! :)